smart sensor wifi - Foshan Zuoming Propitious Trading Company Limited
Foshan Zuoming Hanyu Trading Co., Ltd. was established in March 2010, as an smart sensor wifi import and export company and manufacturer. After years of development and precipitation, the company has a solid economic foundation, a strong relationship network, an excellent marketing team, and a perfect after-sales service team. Our products have a wide variety, good quality, high-cost performance, and fashionable styles, which are widely used in hardware, building materials, machinery, and other industries. And it has been widely recognized and trusted by users. Evolving economic and social needs.
  • Smart WIFI Water Leakage sensor
    Smart WIFI Water Leakage sensor
    Кількість покупки Ціна FOB FOB (piece)
    US $7.00 ~ 11.00
    Мінімальна Кількість Замовлення500 piece
  • Smart WIFI Motion sensor
    Smart WIFI Motion sensor
    Кількість покупки Ціна FOB FOB (piece)
    US $8.00 ~ 12.00
    Мінімальна Кількість Замовлення500 piece
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